You are a super player fable
You are a super player fable

you are a super player fable

  • Knight Jumps Chesty - Defeat Chesty at his own game.
  • Island Paradise - Establish the island of Driftwood.
  • The Dark Sanctum - Reinstate an ancient, evil temple.
  • Tragical-Comical-Historical - Help the celebrated thespians Lambert and Pinch put on the world's greatest play.
  • you are a super player fable

  • Ghost Brothers - Make sure Max and Sam get home in time for tea.
  • Save The Princess! - Rescue the princess from the evil Baron.
  • For Albion! - This is where you *spoiler* the great, big *spoiler* and then it all *spoiler*.
  • The Ruler of Albion - Become the ruler of Albion.
  • Distant Friends - Win the support of Aurora.
  • The Resistance - Win the support of Bowerstone.
  • Swift Justice - Win the support of the Swift Brigade.
  • And So It Begins - Win the support of the Dwellers.
  • The Guild Seal - Unleash your heroic potential.
  • The Achievement hunters among you are going to be in for some awkward, awkward conversations when Fable 3 launches October 26. Others require you to perform fresh, innovative tasks, like freaking down with one of your Xbox Live friends. Some reward gameplay mechanics that have been present in all iterations of the franchise, such as digging and. If you choose to throw your cautious attitude towards avoiding Fable 3 spoilers to the wind by checking out the list of Achievements posted after the jump, you'll find a mix of accomplishments both old and new.

    You are a super player fable